
I am writing again. Just thinking that, just saying it to myself makes me so happy. Then what took me years to re-start and why did I stop in the first place? I always believed that it had died and that there was no desire left in me to write. I wanted to but I couldn't make it come back, it was not in my hands.. not in my control.

Inspiration to me is some intangible, special gift that the Universe gives us and each of us expresses it in different ways - through words, through art, through music, through revolutionary ideas and brand new perspectives. It is God communicating with us. But God doesn't do it all the time and he definitely doesn't do it when we want it - is what I had always believed, until recently when I realized that I had been totally wrong. God speaks to us all the time, yes.. all the time, but our own brain chatter drowns out that divine voice. Not to mention our inability and/or unavailability to listen even when we do hear it.

My 25th birthday gift to myself is the decision to start listening, again. They say you can never be a writer unless you think of yourself as one. A writer isn't necessarily someone who makes a living writing or has a degree in journalism or something related; a writer is someone who writes. I write.

I was trying to think of what I could name this blog. I decided to google search the most beautiful words in the English language and to my surprise I discovered - cellar door. There were a bunch of articles explaining this and I was intrigued. Cellar door seemed so ordinary and random! How could anyone think its beautiful ? 'Corazon' (heart in Spanish) or 'dolcezza' (sweetness in Italian) could be possible contenders but 'cellar door'? Apparently, to some non native English speakers the sound of 'l' and "r" makes for a pleasing sound combination, which made me wonder. For people who understand the meaning, the mundanity of it kills it. There is nothing special about the object but think of the sound for a bit - cellar door.. maybe there is something to it after all.

Do we do this sort of thing too often? Do we tend to look at life in one way and one way alone? Are we so hell bent on analyzing the facts and dissecting the evidence that we miss out on the 'real deal'..? We miss out on the romance of it all. I'm not referring to some melodramatic Hollywood-inspired mush nor am I talking about some fairytale featuring Prince Charming and Pixie dust. I mean the romance of life.. life with its breath-taking beauty, its pervasive powerful love that changes lives and changes worlds.

This blog is dedicated to that romance.

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