
Seeing the Light..

Let's imagine that we all live in a world of darkness. Everyone is totally comfortable because they are all so used to it. They have never known anything else and don't even want to. There are some that talk about a powerful energy force called 'light', but since no one has seen it, no one believes it and no one wants to believe it either. People have always been afraid of the unknown and of change. They like what they have, even if it sucks beyond belief. The familiar has an almost magical ability to comfort them.

The human mind has the ability to adapt and adjust so brilliantly that now everyone in this make-believe world actually like or believe that they like living in the dark. As for the people who talk about the light, their words are dismissed as rumors or ramblings of madmen, of mystics and other loony folk.

Then one day as you were minding your own business, living your life, doing your thing.. suddenly and unexpectedly, you experienced 'light'. I mean you saw it - no one told you about, you didn't read in a book nor did you watch a documentary on the possible existence of it on TV or online but in fact, you experienced it for yourself.. what then?! Even if that was just for a microsecond, you still saw it and even if you never see it again and go back to your regular world of desolate darkness, will your life ever be the same again??

Because now you know! Your whole world will become completely different even though nothing in the actual world has really changed. If you now try to live by the ways and laws followed by the rest of your planet's inhabitants, can you? You could try and force yourself to and maybe even do it, but will you ever be truly truly happy on the inside living in that world of 'No Light' while the knowledge of the Truth burns bright inside of you??? I think not.